
Ver Beek Blog

Our young family battling stage IV breast cancer one day at a time
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It has been a ROUGH couple of days.  It started Saturday afternoon.  I was feeling really sick and not quite right.  Sunday I was feeling worse than what I’ve ever felt before.  I was nauseous, vomiting, my bones hurt, everything hurt everywhere, etc.  Jill drove me to Prime Care and sat with me while they pumped me full of fluids, but it didn’t make me feel better.  It was a bummer to go through all that and not improve.  We found out my white blood count was quite high, but no one knew exactly what that meant.  Jill turned into a pit bull (I say that lovingly) and started figuring things out as best she could.  She made phone calls, asked all the right questions, helped figure out if I should go home or move on to the ER.  We decided to pack up and go home. I’m so thankful for friends like Jill.  She was my rock yesterday. 


Last night was not fun.  I hardly slept which means that Dusty hardly slept.  Poor guy.  He’s a great husband though and went with me today to get fluids and help sort things out at the Cancer and Hematology Center.

Samantha is feeling much better and is more like herself.  She even started waving!  Too cute.  Neither Max or Samantha are crawling yet, but they will be soon.  Brooke enjoyed the day at the pool with some friends. 

I’m so thankful for all the help – Dusty, my parents, Alisha, our friends and family.  Honestly, I don’t know what we would do without them.  The thought scares me.   

24 Responses to “Rough”

  1. Marianne says:

    Dear Lindy,
    My heart goes out to you. After my husband David died, at odd times I would hear in my mind Elizabeth Elliot (who used to have a radio program) say in her husky, calm voice,
    “And underneath are the everlasting arms.” In the days when I couldn’t pray, I would just needed to know that underneath me were those everlasting arms. And then my very first prayer to God, after that bleak hopeless time, was very simply, “Help.” And then my next prayer was the one from my childhood, “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray thee, Lord, my soul to keep.”
    I guess I tell you that because right now you have no strength or maybe even hope. So I pray that amidst the nausea and bone-weariness, you may feel God’s everlasting arms holding you close. And may He keep your soul.

  2. Jana Ver Beek says:

    Praying tomorrow will be better for you.
    I’m glad Samantha is feeling better.
    Love, Jana

  3. Julie Meyers says:

    Oh Lindy – bummer!! I was hoping you would now start to be feeling better. What a long road…up and down…. Philippians 4:13 comes to mind “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength..” Praying you’ll feel better very soon!!!!!

  4. Kim Kolean says:

    Hoping the days to come will be better for you…I just visited a friend of mine tonight and she’s in her 5th year of remission from breast cancer in the ducts. She’s a very strong woman too just like you. Thanks for the card in the mail; it made my day…
    Kim K.

  5. Kim Lubbers says:

    I’m so sorry you had such a tough weekend! We will pray for many better days ahead this week!

  6. Alisha says:

    Your welcome! I’m so lucky I get the chance to meet such and amazing family! You guys are all so strong. I’m glad I can make things a little go a little smoother. It’s so great to see a family as close as yours! I feel the love when I walk in the door every morning! see you tomorrow!

  7. Anonymous says:

    I’m so sorry you’ve been so very sick and miserable, Lindy! I will be praying that today and each day after gets better and better as God is doing His healing work in your body. Glad to hear Samantha is back to herself again! The following verse meant a lot to us last week when we encountered some rough days on our bike trip. I know it pales in comparison to what you’re going through, but I hope this verse gives you encouragement and strength today: Romans 15:5-6 “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” And verse 13: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
    Love you!

  8. Aunt Sylvia and Uncle Ken says:

    Lindy and family
    We want you to know we think and pray for you often during the day. I have no new scripture verses to share but think you will get a kick out of this saying when you are feeling better “Get ur done girl” I just think that is what Grandpa VZ would say to you. Cause we know God, you and family will do amazing things. Love

  9. Cara Maat says:

    thinking of you sweet Lindy, with love.
    Dave and Cara

  10. Julie Mo says:

    I hope each day is better than the previous day and that there will be no more like this past weekend.
    I forgot to mention yesterday that I am so impresed with how well Brooklyn can swim. She really learned alot at swimming lessons.

  11. Julie Meyers says:

    Hey Lindy –
    Hope today is a better day for you….I was so bummed yesterday about you and sometimes I really just don’t know what to say because I have never been in your shoes or even close to what you’re going through, but I rely on God to give me the words to encourage you and just now I came across this “pass it on” little card…hope it gives you some encouragement today!

    Trust – in His timing
    Rely – on His promises
    Wait – for His answers
    Believe – in His miracles
    Rejoice – in His goodness
    Relax – in His presence
    “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” James 4:8

  12. Aunt Kathy says:

    We believe God hears our plea’s to give you strength and comfort-As always,
    Loads of Love and Prayers!
    Uncle Paul and Aunt Kathy

  13. Rebecca Reed-Lopez says:

    I have to again share my daughter’s prayer for you tonight.

    “Dear God, I think if you sent Lindy an angel to be with her every day she would be better. She can have my angel for awhile God, I won’t mind, really I won’t”. -Kamrin Lopez, age 4

  14. Lil Koning says:

    Praying for each of you, for God’s healing and His strength and peace to be yours. In our precious Jesus…

  15. Dad Ver Beek says:

    Hello Lindy….. The response from Karmin is so unselfish and wonderful. We adults can learn so much from children. I told God this afternoon He could have my “angel” too.
    God does hear and answer prayers. Thank you Karmin, I think Ms. Lindy is feeling better already !!! Love you Lindy.. Dad

  16. Liz TenCate says:

    Hi Lindy,
    Thinking of you dearly and praying for God’s healing hands upon you! I am so sorry you have to go thru this but God will hear your cries and I pray he will give you peace and comfort! I pray for Dusty, your children and your parents as they go thru this with you! May God bless you all and keep you in his care and keeping always,
    Love, In Him,
    Liz TenCate

  17. kathy says:

    Hi Lindy, My mom always says “that no news is good news”. I certainly hope that is the case with you, and how you’re feeling today. Thinking about, and praying for, you and your loved ones.

  18. kathy says:

    Thank you Lynn Mulder for sharing Rob Bell’s devotional “Whirlwind” It reminded me again of how majestic God is.

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