No one knows when their last breath will be taken. Not many people are given a time frame on their life. When you are given a time frame, it makes things different. Everything is different. Every moment of every day is different. I look at my kids differently. I’m incredibly thankful for the time I’ve had so far with them. I wonder how much longer I’ll get? My hope is that it’s many years.
The time I spend with Dusty is different. Not that he ever got on my nerves, but let’s say if he did occasionally, he doesn’t anymore. I’m just happy to be with him. Things don’t annoy me anymore. The moments I spend with my parents, family and friends is different. I soak all of it in. I’m grateful for it.
I recently received a letter from a man at church who lost his wife to cancer. I don’t think he’ll mind me telling you that his prayer to God was he would give them five more years. Five more years. God gave them five more years. She was a wonderful woman.
I’ve been given a year, but the five years has been on my mind. Then I think to myself that I want more than five years. I want way more than five years. How much is too much to ask? In five years Brooklyn will be almost 12. Max and Samantha will be almost 7. They have too much life ahead of them to spend without a mom. Scrap the five years.
Do I ask for ten years? That puts Brooklyn at 16 (almost 17). By then she’ll have survived middle school and have been through driver’s training. Maybe she’ll have been through her first heartbreak (hopefully not) and had her first fight with her friends. Max and Samantha will be 11 (almost 12). I’m terrible with knowing what grade they’ll be in, but I would imagine it would be around the sixth grade. Just beginning those ever changing middle school years. They need a mom for this. I need to be here. Scrap the ten years.
How much is too much to ask? I know that my days are numbered as are the rest of my family’s. I believe I need to rest in God’s undying love for me and my family. I know that His will is perfect. I need to trust and be still.
If you’re wondering, I’m not angry at God. I haven’t been angry yet. I’m tired. I’m sick of it. I’m sad that he chose this daughter of His to have struggles. I do wonder why. Why couldn’t it have ended with breast cancer? That would’ve been enough for me.
I never saw myself as a weak person, but that’s how I feel most days. I don’t want to be the girl with reoccurring terminal brain cancer. The one people give head tilt looks of pity to. The one that all of these AWESOME people are organizing fundraiser events for. I can’t believe I’m that girl. I’m the girl who since on steroids for my brain swelling has gained another 10 pounds. I am currently 35+ pounds beyond where I normally am. I look in the mirror and don’t recognize myself. I’m heavy. My head is burnt from radiation and starting to peel. Did I mention that my reconstruction surgery had to be postponed? I barely recognize myself. A tiny fraction of what I looked like 1 1/2 years ago is still there. That’s hard.
I want to be the girl who organizes the fundraisers for someone else. Who donates the $20.00 for someone else’s family. Who gives all their pop cans and returns all of them (thank you Jen) to give the money to someone else’s family. Who organizes a bake sale, jewelry show, repairs their van and so much more for someone else’s family. It is so humbling to be where I am. I am so thankful for everyone who has stepped forward and is working on or has already helped our family. Thank you.
I’m also scared. Scared for what Mayo Clinic and Duke will tell me. Will they offer a new treatment? Will they offer surgery? What if they tell me they have nothing for me? Fear is from my enemy. I know that God is better than any doctor on the face of this earth. He is the only one who can cure my cancer. No one else. He’s it. I need to trust that. Put my fear away and rest in God.
On a MUCH lighter note. I can’t end this on a ranting pity party for myself.
I did have a great Saturday making salsa with my friend Jill. We planted some (by some, I mean at least 10) tomato plants in my parent’s garden and we have tomatoes coming out of our ears. So we made the Bazan’s Sweet Salsa recipe (thank you Lindsay). If you want it, I don’t think she’d mind me giving it to you. It was easy and it’s really good. It’s sweet though, so it’s not a traditional salsa if that’s what you’re looking for.