
Ver Beek Blog

Our young family battling stage IV breast cancer one day at a time
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Home Coming

posted by:
Dustin Ver Beek

Lindy is being very strong after this life-changing surgery–imagine that! 

Yesterday went better than expected and her pain is managed appropriately.  She’s got the gleem back in her eyes again and she’s already been walking down the halls.  In fact, we got the orders that she’ll be discharged to my care later today.  Apparently, our insurance company only cover two nights at the hospital for all she’s been through.   So, I’ll be bringing my sweetie home later today and will do my best to get her well again.  She’s a pretty patient, so I welcome the challenge.

Emotionally, we’re still numb.  Personally, I think this is the prayers and positive thoughts people are sending our way.  Numb is better than sad…we’ll take numb.  It seems weird (I’m sure psychologists would have a hay day with this),     but please pray for numb–it’s getting us through this. 

Love you all,  Dusty & Lindy

21 Responses to “Home Coming”

  1. Dani says:

    Dusty you guys are so awesome and strong! I will pray for numbness. Please let me know if there is anything we can do for you.

  2. Kathy says:

    I love your candid sense of humor. I’m sure you’ll be a great “nurse”? If in doubt call Jill .. she does know what she’s doing.

    I’m praising God for the healing so far.

  3. Amy Sluiter says:

    Praise God that everything went so well! We’ll be praying as Lindy comes home. We know you’ll take great care of her, Dusty! You guys are amazing. Praise God for the strength (and numbness) He’s given you to get through this difficult time!

  4. Christa Meeuwsen says:

    That is great that she is coming home. Sometimes healing takes place better in your own comfortable surroundings anyway…although I am sure that the nurses and staff have been very caring. Make sure you ask if there is anything you need. Remember…Meeuwsen’s live just around the corner from you and we would be happy to help out with anything…..just ask. Hugs to Lindy. Our prayers continue for you both.

  5. Betsy Kikstra says:

    Yes, I think numbness is a gift God gives us to get us through times that we never, ever thought we could make it through- praying hard that God continues to give you the strength and numbness that you need!

  6. Dad Ver Beek says:

    Hello Dusty and Lindy….. Wish there was more we could do to help.We continue to pray for strengih for you both. You are in our thoughts and prayers. I know you will made a good “nurse” Dusty. Blessings !!! Mom and Dad

  7. julie sal says:

    We’ll pray for a smooth trip home and for good pain management. It’s hard to believe that she’s going home already! Praying for numbness to continue– for both the physical and mental numbness.

  8. Lindsay Bazan says:

    We are so glad to hear that Lindy is doing so well! Prayers will be lifted up for her recovery, for Dusty’s RN skills, and for numbness!

  9. Jerry & Marcia Hoeksema says:

    Praying for complete healing! Our God is in control and He will continue to be with all of you!

  10. Holly says:

    Praying….Dusty, you will be a great care taker! Praying for God to be very near in the coming weeks both physically and emotionally. Love you guys!

  11. Megan says:

    We’ll keep praying for you and your whole family. Praise God that Lindy is doing so well!

  12. Jen TenHarmsel says:

    Praying Lindy made it home and is hanging in there. Love and hugs to both of you and remember I would love to help out if there is anything either of you need. Another chapter is behind you I will pray for healing!!!

  13. Tina Amaya says:

    Wow… great news to hear that Lindy is at least comfortable. Wishing you all peace and rest at home. Dusty, you will do great. God has given you the skills and grace to get this far, He won’t leave you hanging. Praying for you all always – The Amaya’s

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