Chemo and the Clinical Trial Drug is given to me in 21 day cycles. Two weeks on, one week off. Start again. Two weeks on, one week off. Again and again and again. My life will be lived in 21 day cycles. Strange thought. Right now I’m in my first “week off” and it’s not how I thought it would be. While it’s not as horrible as A/C and Taxol, it’s not a walk in the park either. So far I’ve had terrible stomach aches, migraines, extreme fatigue, nausea, vomiting and chills. On Sunday when it was 80 degrees outside, I was under three blankets and couldn’t get warm. I wanted to turn on the fireplace and lay in front of it. I was so tired I laid on the couch or bed all day.
I’d like to say THANK YOU for all the freezer meals. They are being used faster than what I thought. They’ve been such a blessing. Dusty has his hands full with the kids so it’s one less thing for him to do. We’re fine with them eating mac and cheese or spaghettios, but not at every meal. So this gives both of us peace of mind that they’re getting a good meal too. God bless you.
On a brighter note, it’s birthday season in our household. Believe it or not, but Max and Samantha turn three on Saturday. It’s been so fun watching them grow. Kind of sad because I feel like I’ve been doing it from the sidelines, but blessed that I’ve been here nonetheless. Max loves wearing his Detroit Tigers hat and his sunglasses. He loves riding the tractor with Papa Mel and going to “Donald’s” (McDonalds) for nuggets and “hot fries” with Papa Dale. Samantha calls everyone in the family “honey pie” and jumps all around. She loves watching Mickey Mouse and it’s what she asks for from sun up to sun down. She also follows her big sister wherever she goes. cialis online
My dad and Jill both have their birthdays next week Tuesday, October 18. I will not divulge their ages, but if you see them, give them a big hug and wish them happy birthday.
Brooklyn turns eight on Sunday, October 23! Can you believe that?! EIGHT! I look at her little life and realize she’s been through so much. The past three years haven’t been easy or normal for her. Whatever normal is. I remember when Max and Samantha were born she was nine days away from turning five. She was so confused as to where her sister was and why she couldn’t see her. She would come to the hospital and hold Max and then wonder about Samantha. Nine days later, on Brooklyn’s 5th birthday – October 23, 2008, the doctors at DeVos released Samantha from the hospital. Brooklyn still talks about that being the best birthday present.
So in a nutshell, life is tiring and busy right now. I am greatly blessed by having the husband, kids, family and friends that I do. I couldn’t do this without them.
I love birthday season! Happy belated to Dusty and happy, happy birthday to all three kiddos this month! You’re on my mind and in my prayers each and every day, Lindy. I so wish I could take some of the sickness away from you. Your strength never ceases to amaze me.
Thanks for the update, Lindy. We are praying for you constantly! I’m so sorry you’ve been feeling so lousy; praying for God’s strength and healing! I pray you can enjoy your month celebrating Birthdays! Love you guys! Amy
Praying for you each day, Lindy!
We pray each day for you and your family – I cannot believe that Brooklyn is going to be 8 – wow! And 3 year old twins – how fast that goes… We wish we could live some of these months for you and give you a break from this continual labor for life. Love, Niki and Kevin
You are so amazingly strong Lindy! I hope and pray this trial will heal you. I can’t believe how fast they are growing up. Times sure flies!! Happy birthday to all your adorable babies!! Always praying.
Looking forward to the birthday party of Brooklyn and the twins this Sat. evening. This is always such a special time that we spend with family. I pray that you will feel well and enjoy our time together. Your family is so special to me. Love, Dad
Praying you have a good day.
Hey there, Praying strength and joy for you today!